Full ChangeLog
This section lists the changes since the release v0.1
- Interface: 2 Level Caches for MongoDB operation parameters
- Interface: Context menu options on database tree to expand / retract nodes
- Adjust: Changed some interface log messagess (bottom panel)
- Feature: Find & Modify MongoDB command is available
- Feature: Execution of MongoDB arbitrary commands is available
- Interface: The size of each panel is now stored in order to keep this preferences between use sessions
- Adjust: On changing Languages, the user is prompted to automatically reload the interface
- Feature: Aggregate MongoDB command is available
- Feature: Distinct MongoDB command is available
- Adjust: Double confirmation is now asked for DROP commands
- Interface: If the documents on a FIND result have no "_id" field, the interface prevents the execution of UPDATE / REMOVE Documents and SET / UNSET fields
- Interface: Only FIND results allows the user to change/unset field values, as well update documents (aggregate and distinct results are not documents)
- Code: Some remodeling in order to reuse code in the backend/frontend communication
- Interface: On the Connection Dialog, the Buttons "Edit" and "Remove" where moved to options on a context menu (right button click) on server list
- Interface: Added, on the Connection Dialog, the button "Options", which opens a context menu containing the former "New" button, plus the options "Import Hosts" and "Export Hosts"
- Feature: Export FIND results is available on the FIND result tab
- Feature: Now it is possible to export / import the server list to/from a JSON file, in order to set them on other browsers
- Feature: MongOz automatically checks for new versions on startup, once a day (maximum)
- Feature: Via Settings, it is possible to change the LOG level (for developers / alike, mostly)
- Interface: Basic interface, 3 panels (Database Tree, Result Tabs and Log Console
- Feature: MongoDB FIND, INSERT, UPDATE and REMOVE operations
- Feature: Create / Drop database
- Feature: Create / Drop collection
- Feature: Multi-language support (English, Brazilian Portuguese)
- Feature: Multiple server connections