MongOz - Free MongoDB Desktop Client


MongOz is a MongoDB free and multi-platform desktop client / manager. It means you can create / drop databases, collections, perform finds, inserts, updates and other mongo operations. Its interface runs on your default webbrowser and the mongodb operations are executed from a java application running in background.

Feature List


MongOz current version is 0.5, but the features intended to be implemented by the release of the version 1.0 are listed below:

Version 1.0

  • Multi-Language English, Portuguese (Brazilian)
  • Connect to multiple servers OK
  • Connect to ReplicaSets TODO
  • Create / Drop databases OK
  • Create / Drop collections OK
  • Create / Drop indexes TODO
  • Execute FIND operations OK
  • Execute FIND & MODIFY operations OK
  • Execute AGGREGATE operations OK
  • Execute DISTINCT operations OK
  • Execute INSERT operations OK
  • Execute UPDATE operations (from tree) OK
  • Execute UPDATE operations (from FIND result) OK
  • Execute REMOVE operations (from tree) OK
  • Execute REMOVE operations (from FIND result) OK
  • Execute Arbitrary MongoDB operations (runCommand) OK
  • Setting / Unseting Specific fields (on FIND result) OK
  • Change FIND Query / Re-execute FIND OK
  • Export FIND Results OK
  • Query Cache OK
  • Application new release check OK
  • Import / Export Configurations OK
  • Export / Import Collection Data TODO
  • Open multiple instances in same computer TODO


MongOz requires Java 7 Runtime to be executed and it is compatible / tested on the environments below:

  • Linux - [Chrome, Firefox] - Ubuntu, Untested on other distros
  • Windows - [Chrome, Firefox] - Win7, Win8.1, Untested (WinVista, WinXP)
  • MacOS X - [Chrome, Safari] - Mavericks, Untested previous releases/ other browsers